Ben Hopper

LTD Farm is owned and operated by Khaiti Hallstein and Ben Hopper. Tucked into a corner of Barron County, WIsconsin in Vance Creek Township, our 39 acres are very special. We have 40 years of combined experience in growing high quality nutrient dense food without the use of chemicals. We love the work of farm life, and enjoy sharing the bounty of the land with other people who appreciate healthy food grown in a way that is also good for the soil. We use organic practices and believe that happy soil is the key to making our plants thrive. As well as being stewards of the ecology of our land we also delight in tromping around the bountiful forest around us, carefully wild harvesting mushrooms and other forest edibles. When not tending the animals or in the garden you can find Khaiti at her writing desk working on books or screenplays. Ben can be found making music with his band Stress Killed The Dinosaurs. In addition to farming we also run a small vintage shop called Do What You Want Vintage, find our Booth at The Looking Glass Antiques in downtown Osceola, Wisconsin.